by Vernie Lynn DeMille

Evening light finds me,
Feet bare, hair unbound,
Spirit straining against gentle chains,
On the back step.
I smell the smoke
From our first autumnal fire
As it curls it’s way skyward,
In lazy circles.
It mingles with
The low clouds that threaten
Rain, or perhaps snow,
To become the air I breathe.
Warming my back
With a tender flame
Even as it burns and guts
Itself on the altar
Of home, happiness,
And hopeful promises
Made when I believed
That I could change it all.
I watch you,
Still steady, strong, and brave;
A foil to my wondering,
Questing, yearning heart.
You sacrifice your all.
A heady offering of
Wine, oil, and meat,
Honor, love, devotion.
While I dream
Of my place at the top
Of Olympus
With the old Gods
And the power
That runs by immortal birthright
Through my mortal veins
To change the patterns of the sky.
Granddaughter of Earth
And Heaven,
Forever feeling swallowed up
By my father’s fear.
I still long
For my freedom.
From the well-learned terror
Of rebirth and disgorgement.
The worshiped has become
The pilgrim; straining, burning, dying,
For a chance to change
What is written in the stars.
But I am too weak,
Without you,
My captivated captor,
To change cloud trails.
I sink around you,
Like a fog or haze,
And envy the clouds
That fly away.
Beautiful yearning…
Stay with us, for you have much to write…
Grateful for your Hestia poem which helped sustain me today.
Thank you, Laura. May you always have the sustenance you need in the moment you need it.