What Gossamer Threads Enslave Us
by Vernie Lynn DeMille
What gossamer threads enslave us
To the weight of breath and time.
Small and simple are the locks that bind.
Here the dew, here the sun
Combined to make a false gem true.
A faerie song on tiny lips, a baby laugh,
Nonsense notes to lure and lead,
With promise of unending joys.
A lovers kiss and fingertips
With touch as light as powdered wings.
A stray note lifted on a breeze
Carried from a distant hall
Where kings and commoners gather all.
The fragrance of the petals bright
That bloom in fields I’ve never trod.
The misting of a salt sea spray
With stories of a deeper deep
And shades of blue I’ve never seen.
And trees so tall I feel so small,
Too big to wrap my arms around.
Or bubbles, iridescence caught
Between work, the water and the air,
A tender manacle for my hands.
And laughter light as sunshine
That fills the yard and a weary heart.
All threads that break with errant breeze,
something careless as a thought,
Borne on words of gossip, a gentle sin,
‘Til one by one my threads are cut, cast aside,
My moorings to this mortal dream.
Loose I drift away, apart,
And think nothing of myself remains
To tether me to life, love, hope.
But then a call, a tender touch,
Unexpected, divine, unplanned and
I am snared again, by a dragline of silk,
Centering me in a web of beating hearts,
A cocoon to hide that I’m dying still.
I breathe in, breathe out.
The wind moves the orb where I lie
And speak of the beauty, throw sparks at the bright,
Weaving a story by day and night,
From threads, such fine, fine threads I spin.