I was standing in the same spot this morning, 45 minutes apart, to take these photos. Both taken while I stood in bare feet on the sill of my open “friend door” as the cold air from outside battled with the warmth from the fireplace in the room behind me. One view, two completely different skies. One held the moon, the other held the sun.
Aren’t our lives just like this? No matter what we’re experiencing it will change with the passage of time. What is of greatest importance then, in a world where both the view and vantage point are so changeable?
Knowing where to look.
Beauty, truth, goodness…they are all around us. But we must be willing to look at what truly is, rather than what we expect to find or a reflection of our own beliefs cast out upon the world.
If you desire to know truth then you must keep an open heart, a pondering mind, and a compassionate soul. Read with a desire to learn. Listen with a desire to learn. Watch with a desire to learn. Cultivate in your heart a desire to keep learning and the world will become an endless source of wonder and curiosity to you. People will be more interesting than irritating. The things you love will mean more, and the fear of all the things you don’t know, can’t control, and haven’t understood will diminish in your search for light and truth. And in all that searching, there’s more than a good chance that you’ll find joy in your journey of discovery.